80 Days of Posters


In Spring 2019, I felt that I was lagging behind my peers in terms of design intuition. Probably due to lack of experience, as most of them have been doing art and design for most of their lives, whereas I started at the old, old age of 19.

I wanted to be able to have a consistent project that would train both my design intuition and the willpower to just create something every day. Inspired by daily projects such as Baugasm and 36 Days of Type, I began to create a poster a day and post it on Instagram.

This project improved my understanding of color theory and composition. The biggest benefit of this projects was the way it changed how I view creating. As this project continued, designing and creating things became a default state and making consistent work became more natural.

An Evolving Prompt

The prompt at first was to choose a word and try to make a poster that properly represented it. This was just a framing device used to get myself creating.

When I understood the project more, and wanted to explore more abstract concepts and compositions, that's what I did. Eventually the prompt was simply to "learn and create".

Each poster is the same as the day I completed it. Changing anything after that day would have gone against the spirit and point of the project, even if there are many things I would do differently now.

Changing Borders

Keeping consistency and quickly understanding the context of these posters was important to me. The border was there from the beginning, this also helped give the content of the posters a visual anchor. Eventually I played with it's role as an anchor by bleeding the content into the border, making it ethereal.

The dimensions always stayed the same, but the layout and typography changed as I experimented on what works best for a quick glance to be all that's necessary to absorb the information, and for that to be the case in a small Instagram post.

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